WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Nicotine Pouches

Nicotine Long Cut

Nicotine-Free ZERO

Nicotine Pouches

Nicotine Long Cut

Nicotine-Free ZERO

When will my recurring subscription orders ship?

  1. By default, subscription orders are set to ship every 15 days. You can change the frequency of your recurring subscription order at any time on your Account page. You can also choose to select every 30 days before purchase by clicking through to your desired product on the Shop page..

How do I change the frequency of my recurring subscription orders?

After placing your subscription order, you can edit the frequency of your active subscriptions on your Account page.

Log into your Black Buffalo account, navigate to your Account page, and scroll down to Subscriptions. Then, click on the green “Subscriptions” tag and click on “Manage Subscription.” You can change your shipping frequency from every 15 days to every 30 days by clicking “Deliver Every 30 Days,” and vice versa.

What if I want my next subscription order to ship sooner?

You can either choose to have your next subscription order ship out immediately or select your desired date of shipping on your Account page.

Log into your Black Buffalo account, navigate to your Account page, and scroll down to Subscriptions. Then, click on the green “Next Order” tag and click on “Manage Next Order.”

To choose to have your next subscription order shipped out immediately, click on “Send Now.”

To select your desired date of shipping on your next subscription order, first click on “Delay Date,” next click on “Set Custom Date,” and select your desired date of shipping.

How fast is subscription shipping?

Subscriptions ship via UPS SurePost, which is the most affordable and most reliable shipping method available to us. On average, subscription orders via SurePost are delivered 6 days after the order is processed.

How much is subscription shipping?

Subscription shipping is $3, the lowest possible price of shipping.

How do I skip my next recurring subscription order?

You can skip your next recurring subscription order on your Account page.

Log into your Black Buffalo account, navigate to your Account page, and scroll down to Subscriptions. Then, click on the green “Next Order” tag and click on “Manage Next Order.” Click “Skip” to skip your next recurring subscription order.

How do I pause my subscription?

You can pause your subscription on your Account page.

Log into your Black Buffalo account, navigate to your Account page, and scroll down to Subscriptions. Then, click on the green “Subscriptions” tag and click on “Manage Manage Subscription.” Click “Pause” to pause your subscription. You will not be charged again until you navigate back to this page and click “Resume” to resume your subscription.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription on your Account page.

Log into your Black Buffalo account, navigate to your Account page, and scroll down to Subscriptions. Then, click on the green “Subscriptions” tag and click on “Manage Manage Subscription.” Click “Cancel” to cancel your subscription.

Charge Ahead

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Black Buffalo products are intended for adults aged 21 and older who are consumers of nicotine or tobacco.

Born in the Midwest. Raised in the South. Charge Ahead.

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